Learn How Successful Organizations Optimize for Resident Acuity

Read 5 Reasons to Make Acuity-Based Staffing a Top Priority

Acuity-based staffing should be your top priority. It’s a more clinically driven, Make acuity-based staffing a priorityindividualized approach to staffing and delivers noticeable quality of care improvements that your residents deserve.

Research shows that staffing based on acuity drives better outcomes so we've put together a guide on how to adopt this strategy, or improve upon the practices you have already put into place. 

Use this whitepaper to:

  • Determine exactly how much care is required for each resident, based on their conditions
  • Ensure proper staff levels without over or understaffing
  • Ensure the people, with the right qualifications, spend the optimal of time with every resident based on their conditions and needs
  • Allocate the proper level of care or services where and when they’re required, to drive positive outcomes
  • Obtain higher staff morale and avoid burnout

And, become more marketable too! Acuity-based staffing leads to higher quality ratings for your organization. Get started on your staffing plan TODAY!